Because every center is independent, services and information will vary. This is a general outline of how many operate.


Many Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) offer pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and parenting support. They also often provide material support to pregnant moms, so they can have what they need once the baby is born. Abortion recovery services are also often offered, should men or women need support. Some centers offer STI testing too.

Medically Licensed PRC?

Great question! Some aren’t, but many PRC’s are medically licensed under a doctor and have have licensed nurses administering the pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and STI testing. If you are concerned about the medical safety of any clinic (whether a PRC or a Planned Parenthood), absolutely ask to see their medical license.


Most are nonprofit centers that offer their services free of charge. Some are totally privately funded, while others receive grants. Most, however, do not require any payment from clients. Why?? Because these centers believe that women should start their pregnancies without the concern of money.


Many PRC’s have the foundational belief that God loves people, no matter their situation or past. Because of this, they believe God has a good plan for every woman, as well as for every baby. PRC’s don’t try to hide this, but they shouldn’t pressure you or judge you to believe anything you don’t want to.

What PRC’s Aren’t Supposed To Do

PRC’s shouldn’t pressure a woman to make a decision about her pregnancy, either to keep her baby or to abort. It is important for a woman to receive education about what is entailed in all three of her options: parenting, adoption, and abortion. Because the decision is ultimately hers.

“I Need to Make a Decision”

PRC’s often specialize in options counseling. A client advocate and a nurse are able to support a women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Make an appointment with us today to receive options counseling!

Want More Info? Check out more information about Pregnancy Resource Centers here!