How Do I Know If I’m Ready for Sex?
I'm thinking... We’ve been dating for a while…does that make me ready for sex? I met a cute guy the other night, we’re both fine with casual sex, and I’m on birth control…does that make me ready for sex? My partner and I have talked about sex already…does that make me ready for sex? What makes someone ready for sex? Is it different for each person? What if a couple can’t agree on the right time to start having sex? There are 4 important questions for people to ask themselves before having sex. 1. Do I know my significant other’s sexual history? It’s important to know if he has STI’s, because...

Do I need an Ultrasound to Get an Abortion?
3 necessary reasons to have an ultrasound... Whether you have an ultrasound at a Pregnancy Resource Center or an abortion clinic, it's important to know the necessity. Viability The most important reason to have one is to determine if a pregnancy is viable. Licensed medical staff are trained to complete an ultrasound in order to observe if it will likely progress as a healthy pregnancy. Many don’t realize that over 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, which makes an abortion unnecessary. Dating An ultrasound is also necessary to date the pregnancy, determining which abortion procedure...

What’s the Abortion Pill?
Abortion Pill FAQs What’s the abortion pill? How do I get it? How does it work? Will it harm me? Are online abortion pills safe? What if I change my mind? How does it work? The abortion pill (also known as Mifeprex, TM mifepristone, RU-486) is usually taken up to 10 weeks gestation. Abortion pills are usually administered at an abortion clinic. Most clinics have patients take the first pill at the clinic, which causes the embryo’s death. Two or three days later, the woman will take the second pill, which causes cramping to expel the baby. On average, between days 7-14, patients are supposed...
Contact Us
(704) 983-2100
731 W. Main Street
Albemarle, NC 28001
*Please contact for our mailing address.
Monday - Thursday:
9am-1pm; 2pm-5pm
Friday: Closed

Options Counseling
Trying to make a pregnancy decision? Or maybe you’ve already decided how you plan to respond to this pregnancy, but don’t know how to begin putting that plan into action? If you're facing an unplanned pregnancy, you have three options: parenting, adoption, or abortion. As your health & safety are our priority, we do not perform or refer for abortions. However, we understand your right to choose and in no way profit from your choice; therefore, we believe it is your right to receive comprehensive information regarding abortion processes before making a decision.
There’s no reason to navigate this pregnancy alone. Get the support and information you need!

Motherhood Journeys & Fatherhood Journeys
Motherhood Journeys and Fatherhood Journeys are educational programs designed to help mothers and fathers grow in all areas—emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. This program allows you to earn Mommy Money and Daddy Dollars, which can be spent in our boutique on various items to assist with your baby’s needs.
The PRC reserves the right to determine the eligibility of a client to participate in the parenting programs, based upon their achievement set by the goals of our mission statement.
If you are interested in learning more about the program, please call 704-983-2100 email prcstanlyleap@gmail.com.

Post-Abortion Health Assessment
Have you undergone an abortion and are wondering if you may need a health assessment? Our trained medical staff offer a free post-abortion health assessment. Call us at 704-983-2100 to schedule your assessment.

Mobile Medical Unit
Our Medical Services is happy to offer our Mobile Medical Unit to both Stanly & Montgomery Counties.
If you think you might be pregnant, you can step on the Mobile Unit to receive any of our services that are available at our Albemarle Center.
Mobile Unit Schedule 10am-3pm:
Locust, NC at Greater Grounds Coffee on Tuesday's
Biscoe, NC at Walmart parking lot on Wednesday's

Medical Services
The PRC offers lab quality pregnancy tests, limited obstetric ultrasounds (to determine viability, gestational age, & risks), and accurate information on pregnancy, fetal development, and abortion procedures and risks. Partnering with our medical staff, client advocates provide confidential options counseling to women facing an unplanned pregnancy. We provide the information you need to empower you to make the choice you face. We do not perform or refer for abortions.

Abortion Recovery Care
Have you had an abortion and are experiencing any of the following:
- Emotional numbness
- Low self-esteem
- Crying or depression
- Nightmares
- Substance abuse
- Trouble with intimacy
- Guilt, shame, or regret
- Eating disorders
- Anger or rage
- Suicidal thoughts
- Difficulty being around children
You are not alone…there is hope!
When the time comes to take your journey towards healing from your personal abortion experience, the PRC is here for both men & women.
Call 704-983-2100 to speak to someone about our abortion recovery program & for details about upcoming abortion recovery classes.

Pregnancy Medicaid Verification
Applying for Pregnancy Medicaid first requires pregnancy verification. The PRC can offer the pregnancy verification you need, in order to apply for Pregnancy Medicaid!